Thursday, July 1, 2010

along came a spider.....

Okay, post #3 for the day! I feel like I'm starting to catch up! Do any of you keep a list of what you need to blog about? I do! And here's something I wanted to share:

I was mowing the lawn one day, when I saw this little guy in the grass. I'm deathly afraid of spiders if they're in my house. But for some reason, when I'm outside, I'm not as scared of them. So I saw his beady little eyes looking up at me, and I thought I'd take some pics. This is when I really wish I had a macro lens to get even closer! I picked him up (with a stick, of course. I'm not crazy!), and put him on the bench. Then when I put the stick close to him, he raised his front legs, and bore his fangs! I swear he hissed at me too. (not really, but that would have been cool.) Does anyone know what kind of spider this is? And is it poisonous? I've seen them quite often in my yard.

And the children decided to empty the containers from the pantry, while I was out playing with the spider.


Jessica said...

I'm sure that was exactly what you were hoping to come find. So many things for this little mother to look forward to.

Frank Cole said...

Um that's a rufrickincrazpicknupaspiderwithgreenfangs spider. They're probably harmless.

Jodi Carroll said...

So I can't believe how close Frank was! It's a jumping spider, it they are poisonous, but not enough to kill just really painful red spot! Way cool pics though Tia they are amazing!!!!!