We started off the month of November with a fun weekend staycation in Park City, November 2-4. We had some unused time at our timeshare at the Westgate that we needed to use before the end of the year. It was gorgeous weather that weekend, and we enjoyed lots of time at the pool, and a visit to the Utah Olympic Park.
On November 7, the weather was warming up again, so I took Beckham and hiked up to Twin Lakes Reservoir. Part of the trail was snowy & slippery, but for the most part it was a great quick hike! A couple of days later, a huge storm hit and dumped 4 feet of snow up at the resorts.
For the first time, Trinidee is trying soccer. We signed her up for the indoor soccer, and she has been enjoying it. She even got to play goalie during one of the games. :)
Thanksgiving was spent at the Chapmans this year. We brought a green salad and some pies.
Of course, it was a great Thanksgiving full of yummy food and lots of family & friends.

I had a few random videos of Beckham from November. I take lots of pictures, but not enough video. I've made a goal to be better about taking more video of my kiddos. :)
Each year, I hear about a live nativity that takes place in Draper at a stake center. I always heard such wonderful things about it, so this year we tried it out. When we got in line, I wasn't expecting the wait to be 2 hours long. And Kevin was working or at school (I don't remember), so I was on my own. Luckily, we found our friends the Zierse's, who had gotten there earlier. They let us cut in line with them, so we only ended up waiting about 45 minutes or so.
I have to say, it really was a cool experience, seeing the live animals, and the pavilion transferred into looking like Bethlehem. It was a great kickoff to the Christmas season.
The kids even got to pet the live camel...
We also ran into our friends, the Nowlings!
We even got our decorations up before November was over.